April 2023 - Momentum Solar

Solar Updates: The European Union 

The European Union (EU) has been making significant strides in the renewable energy sector, with solar power playing a pivotal role in the transition to a more sustainable future. The US and the EU have a shared responsibility to combat climate change and protect our shared world. 

The EU has made significant strides in producing clean energy through solar power efforts and it’s essential for US homeowners to recognize the importance of this progress. By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and switching to renewable energy sources like solar power, we can all do our part in preserving our environment for future generations. Together, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet.

Fortunately, Momentum Solar is here to help you dive into the current EU solar landscape and provide updates on the latest developments and progress within the solar industry as a whole.

Ready to buy solar panels for your roof and see how much you can save? Call 1-888-MOMENTUM to chat with a local sales representative and discover why hundreds of homeowners ditched their utility companies!

EU’s renewable energy milestones

Recent reports indicate that renewable energy now accounts for more than half of the EU’s electricity generation [1]. According to Solar Power Europe, in 2022  over one million households in the EU are powered by solar and the total battery capacity in the residential sector was 9.3 GWh [6]. This is a considerable achievement for the bloc, reflecting its commitment to combating climate change and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

Solar power has been a key player in the EU’s renewable energy and overall economic growth. The solar industry has witnessed rapid expansion, driven by technological advancements, falling costs and strong support from the European Commission and member states.

The European solar power revolution

Europe is currently embarking on a solar power revolution to address its energy crisis and combat climate change [2]. The EU has set ambitious goals to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and significantly increase the share of renewable energy in its energy mix [5]. Solar power is expected to play a central role in meeting these targets.

Key developments and updates

The European Commission has identified solar power as a priority in its energy transition strategy, leading to several key developments and updates in the sector [1,2]:

Increased solar capacity: The EU aims to increase its solar capacity to meet the growing energy demand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes large-scale solar installations as well as smaller, distributed systems.

Investment in research and development: The EU is investing in solar technology research to improve efficiency, reduce costs and develop new applications. This includes funding for research projects and partnerships with the private sector.

Support for solar projects: The European Commission and member states provide support for solar projects through various financial instruments and incentives. These include grants, loans and tax breaks for solar installations.

Emphasis on grid integration: The EU is working on improving grid integration of solar power to ensure a stable and secure energy supply. This involves modernizing the electricity grid and investing in energy storage solutions.

How does the U.S. compare?

The EU solar landscape is witnessing rapid growth and progress, driven by ambitious climate goals, strong support from the European Commission and technological advancements. As the bloc continues prioritizing solar power in its energy transition strategy, we can expect to see even more significant developments and breakthroughs in the coming years.

While both the EU and the US are experiencing substantial growth in the solar industry, there are some key differences. With the European Green Deal, the EU’s ambitious goals such as “no net emissions of greenhouse gasses by 2050” sound really promising [5]. The EU focuses primarily on big-picture solar installations and research, aiming to increase its solar output and satisfy energy markets while reducing greenhouse gas emissions [1]. 

On the other hand, the US solar market is experiencing a surge in residential solar installations. Homeowners are increasingly turning to solar power to address concerns about energy costs and reliability, as well as to take advantage of federal and state incentives [3]. The ITC, a federal tax credit for solar installations, has played a crucial role in driving solar adoption in the US.

How Momentum Solar can help

It is important for EU and US homeowners to work together to reduce our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy and decrease our carbon footprint. Momentum Solar can help drive the adoption of solar power in the US by providing homeowners with affordable, high-quality solar solutions that can contribute to a more sustainable future for all. 

Momentum is a leading solar provider in the US and is dedicated to helping you join the solar revolution and reap the benefits of clean, renewable energy. We offer comprehensive solar solutions tailored to your home’s energy needs and provide exceptional customer service from initial consultation to installation and ongoing maintenance.

By choosing Momentum Solar, most homeowners can lower their energy bills, increase property values and contribute to a cleaner environment. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the entire process, making the transition to solar energy seamless and stress-free.

Don’t miss out on the solar revolution – contact Momentum Solar today by clicking the “Free Quote” button at the top of this page and start enjoying the benefits of solar power in your home!




[1] https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/30/energy/european-union-renewables-climate-intl/index.html 
[2] https://news.yahoo.com/europe-embarks-on-solar-power-revolution-to-solve-its-energy-crisis-and-fight-climate-change-213712532.html 
[3] https://www.pv-tech.org/us-residential-solar-to-boom-amidst-homeowner-energy-concerns-and-ira-tailwinds-aurora-solar/ 
[4] https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/residential-solar-market-size-in-the-us-will-grow-by-usd-6-67-billion-between-2021-and-2026-growth-opportunities-led-by-auxin-solar-inc-brightsource-energy-inc-among-others—technavio-301759594.html 
[5] https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en 
[6] https://www.solarpowereurope.org/press-releases/new-analysis-reveals-over-1-million-european-homes-are-solar-battery-powered 

Energy-Saving Strategies to Combat Rising Electric Rates

As electric rates continue to rise across the United States, homeowners are feeling the pinch. People across the country are worried about whether or not they’ll be able to pay their electric bills. Some homeowners are cutting back on weekly groceries and others are unsure if they’ll be able to afford a full tank of gas [6].  As demand for electricity grows and infrastructure ages, it’s essential to be aware of the factors driving these increases. 

Understanding the reasons behind rising electric rates can help consumers make informed decisions about their energy usage and explore alternative options to reduce their energy bills. One of the most fruitful alternatives (and one that can put money back in your pocket), is solar power. 

Momentum is here to help you explore ways to lower your energy bill, including switching to solar power with Momentum Solar. Ready to make the switch? Call us now at 1-888-MOMENTUM to talk to a solar expert in your neighborhood!

Why are energy rates on a constant rise?

Increased demand

One of the primary drivers of rising electric rates is the increased demand for electricity. As the population grows and people rely more on electronic devices, the demand for power surges. This heightened demand puts pressure on utility companies to generate more electricity, resulting in higher costs for consumers [1].

Aging infrastructure

Another factor contributing to rising electric rates is an aging infrastructure. As the nation’s power grid continues to age, utility companies must invest in upgrades and repairs to keep it functioning. These costs are often passed on to consumers in the form of rate increases [1]. The US has put a lot of energy and resources into preparing the power grid, but it still isn’t enough. After investing billions to reinforce old power plants so that homeowners could have power in the cold, the utility companies still couldn’t manage: “the equipment at natural gas and coal-powered plants throughout the south-east froze” [5]. 

Fluctuating fuel prices

The cost of generating electricity is also affected by fluctuations in fuel prices. When the price of natural gas or other fossil fuels increases, utility companies may need to raise electric rates to cover their costs. For example, in Massachusetts, residents have been shocked by recent hikes in utility bills attributed to the increased cost of natural gas [2].

“The other day we got our bill and my wife said to me, ‘Kevin, the bill came’ and she pounced out that number and I was like, I totally blocked it out, because it was absurd,” National Grid customer Kevin DeForge said, “from a $90 bill a month to $360 some odd dollars.” – NBC Boston

Think it’s time to ditch the utility company? Click the “Free Quote” button at the top of the page to see for yourself how easy going solar can be!

How can you save money on your electric bill?

Implement energy-saving measures at home

Taking simple steps to conserve energy in your home can help reduce your electricity bill. Some easy ways to save on energy costs include sealing gaps around windows and doors, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and using LED light bulbs [3]. Additionally, consider installing a programmable thermostat and regularly maintaining your HVAC system to improve its efficiency.

Optimize your energy usage

Being mindful of when and how you use electricity can lead to significant savings. For example,  you can plan to complete high-energy-consuming tasks, such as laundry or dishwashing, during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower [4]. Also, consider using power strips to turn off electronics when not in use and unplug chargers to eliminate standby or “ghost” power consumption.

Make the switch to solar with Momentum Solar

One of the most effective ways to lower your energy bill and protect yourself from rising electricity rates is to switch to solar power. Solar energy not only reduces your reliance on traditional electricity sources but can also minimize or even eliminate your electric bill [4]. Momentum Solar is a leading solar provider offering comprehensive services to help you make a seamless transition to solar energy.

Momentum Solar’s experienced team will guide you through the entire process, from initial consultation to installation and ongoing monitoring. We offer customized solar solutions tailored to your home’s energy needs and we are dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service.

“I checked out a lot of the companies but Momentum was the only company I felt confident moving forward with. Their process is streamlined and they did everything for me… Loving my new system and the savings!”

– Hasnain A.

By choosing Momentum Solar, you’ll enjoy the many benefits of solar energy, such as lower energy bills, increased property value and a reduced carbon footprint. Additionally, with the availability of the federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and various state incentives, the cost of installing solar panels has become more affordable than ever.

It’s time to switch to solar! Click the “Free Quote” button at the top of this page to discover the benefits of going green!




[1] https://www.westernmassnews.com/2023/02/14/more-eversource-national-grid-customers-seeking-assistance-high-energy-bills/?outputType=amp 
[2] https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/mass-residents-shocked-by-hike-in-utility-bills/2910357/ 
[3] https://www.nrdc.org/stories/easy-ways-save-energy-home?gclid=CjwKCAjwitShBhA6EiwAq3RqA-9u9RI7-BrRCFu4KuIr_lEID1y3pG8pkuXOEsnDSGH5Z2p2gDGX2xoCnwMQAvD_BwE 
[4] https://www.solar.com/learn/lower-your-electricity-bill/ 
[5] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/19/us-gas-plants-power-grid-failures-polar-vortex 
[6] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/as-price-of-natural-gas-surges-so-do-household-energy-bills 

Solar Panels in an HOA Communities: What You Need to Know

As a homeowner living in a community governed by a homeowners association (HOA), you may be wondering if installing solar panels on your property is a viable option. While some HOAs have rules and regulations that may initially appear to be barriers to going solar, it’s still possible to successfully navigate this process… and Momentum Solar is here to help! 

Whether you’re in an HOA or not, we’re more than happy to get you started with your customized solar plan today by calling us at 1-888-MOMENTUM or clicking the “Free Quote” above.

Understand your HOA’s rules and regulations

Before starting the process of installing solar panels, it’s essential to become familiar with your HOA’s rules and regulations regarding solar installations [1]. Review the community’s architectural guidelines carefully to find out if there are any restrictions on solar panel installations. In some cases, you may need to make adjustments to your installation plans to comply with these guidelines [2]. Momentum Solar’s experienced team can help you understand these guidelines and tailor a solar installation plan that fits within your HOA’s requirements.

Know your state’s solar access laws

Many states have solar access laws that protect homeowners’ rights to install solar energy systems on their properties [3]. These laws often limit the extent to which HOAs can restrict solar installations. Familiarize yourself with your state’s solar access laws to ensure that your rights as a homeowner are protected during the process of installing solar panels with Momentum Solar.

Prepare a comprehensive proposal for your HOA with Momentum Solar’s help

When seeking approval for a solar panel installation, it’s crucial to present a well-prepared proposal to your HOA. Momentum Solar can assist you in developing a detailed proposal, including information about the proposed solar system, such as the location, size, design and any necessary modifications to your property [4]. Additionally, Momentum can provide documentation that demonstrates the benefits of solar energy, such as cost savings and environmental advantages [5].

Ready to enlist our help? Click the “Free Quote” button at the top of this page and see for yourself why homeowners across America are glad they switched to solar with Momentum!

Communicate with your HOA and neighbors

Establishing open lines of communication with your HOA and neighbors is an essential part of the solar installation process. Attend HOA meetings and discuss your plans with your neighbors to address any concerns or questions they may have [6]. Providing clear information about your solar installation with Momentum Solar can help build support within your community and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Be patient and persistent with Momentum Solar by your side

The process of obtaining HOA approval for a solar panel installation can sometimes be lengthy and complicated. However, it’s essential to remain patient and persistent throughout the process. We advise that homeowners work closely with your HOA and Momentum Solar representative, following the required procedures and making any necessary adjustments to your proposal to meet their guidelines without pushing back too hard [6].

It’s important to realize that installing solar panels in an HOA community may require additional steps and considerations – but that extra dedication will pay off in the future. By partnering with Momentum Solar, understanding your HOA’s rules and state laws, preparing a comprehensive proposal and maintaining open communication with your HOA and neighbors, you can successfully navigate the process and enjoy the many benefits of solar energy.

Discover the cost-saving benefits of solar and get started on your clean energy journey today! Call us at 1-888-MOMENTUM now and learn what a local sales representative can do for you!

[1] https://www.thecooldown.com/green-home/solar-panel-installations-hoa-reddit/
[2] https://www.solarunitedneighbors.org/learn-the-issues/homeowners-associations-and-solar-access/
[3] https://freedomsolarpower.com/blog/hoas-and-solar-panels-what-homeowners-need-to-know
[4] https://www.cnet.com/home/energy-and-utilities/you-can-get-solar-panels-even-in-an-hoa-heres-how/
[5] https://news.energysage.com/installing-home-solar-panels-with-a-hoa/
[6] https://aurorasolar.com/blog/how-to-get-hoa-solar-approval-tips-for-success/

Your Comprehensive Guide to Going Solar with Momentum Solar

Are you considering going solar but not sure where to start? Look no further! At Momentum Solar, we understand that going solar is a big decision and we’re here to help you every step of the way. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know before switching to solar with us, including costs, payback periods, energy usage, tax incentives and more. Let’s dive in!

Ready to buy some solar panels for your roof? Call 1-888-MOMENTUM to talk to a solar expert in your neighborhood!

Understanding the solar costs and payback periods

Going solar is an investment that often pays off over time. While the initial cost may seem daunting, it’s important to consider the long-term savings on energy bills and the increasing value of your home. Momentum Solar is dedicated to providing affordable solar solutions tailored to each homeowner’s unique needs. To learn more about how solar panels can help you save money in the long run, visit our previous blog here.

The cost of solar panels has significantly decreased over the past decade, making solar energy more accessible to homeowners. At Momentum Solar, we offer customized solar panel systems tailored to your energy needs and budget. Plus, we provide a variety of financing options, including leasing and purchasing, so you can choose the best option for your situation.

In many cases, homeowners can expect to get back their investment in solar panels within 5-10 years, thanks to reduced electricity bills and available incentives. It is important to note that your  payback period may vary depending on factors such as your energy usage, the size of your solar system and your location.

Analyzing your energy usage

Before installing solar panels, it’s essential to evaluate your energy usage to determine the optimal solar system size for your needs. Our expert design team will assess your energy consumption and help you design a system that meets your energy requirements and fits your budget.

For homeowners who consume a lot of power, solar panels can be a game-changer in reducing energy costs. By generating electricity through solar panels, you can directly offset the energy you would typically draw from the grid, ultimately reducing your electricity bill [1].

Moreover, solar panels can serve as a hedge against increasing electricity rates, providing long-term savings and predictable energy costs. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average residential electricity rate in the United States has steadily risen over the past decade [1]. By investing in solar panels, you can protect yourself against these escalating costs, enjoying a fixed rate for the energy you produce.

Opting for energy storage with solutions like our exclusive battery storage partnership with Enphase can further enhance the benefits of solar energy. With a battery system, you can store excess energy produced by your solar panels for use during peak hours or when the grid is down. This not only increases your energy independence but also allows you to maintain power during blackouts and outages, ensuring your home remains functional in times of need [2].

By combining solar panels with energy storage, you can achieve complete off-grid living, relying solely on the power generated and stored by your solar system. This not only benefits the environment by reducing your carbon footprint but also offers peace of mind knowing that your home will have power even when the electric lines are out.

Think solar batteries are for you? Click the “Free Quote” button at the top of this page to get started today!

Governmental tax incentives

Homeowners who decide to switch to solar can benefit from various federal, state and local tax incentives that make solar energy more affordable and attractive. One of the primary federal incentives is the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows homeowners to claim a percentage of the cost of their solar installation as a credit on their federal income taxes. This tax credit has played a significant role in making solar energy more accessible and affordable for homeowners across the United States.

For more information about the Solar Investment Tax Credit, visit our blog: Everything You Need to Know About the Inflation Reduction Act.

In addition to federal incentives, many states and local governments offer tax credits, rebates and other incentives to encourage the adoption of solar energy. For example, in New York, homeowners can benefit from state tax credits, as well as local property tax exemptions and incentives provided by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority [4, 5]. Similarly, New Jersey offers Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), which allow solar system owners to earn credits for the electricity they generate and sell them to utilities to help meet state renewable energy requirements [6, 7, 8] If you live in the Northeast, you can find more info about your state incentives here

These federal, state and local tax incentives significantly reduce the upfront cost of solar installations, making solar energy more accessible to homeowners across the country. By taking advantage of these incentives, homeowners can maximize their financial benefits and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

The Momentum Solar advantage

As one of the largest, privately-held solar companies in the country, Momentum Solar is proud to offer top-quality components designed to withstand the test of time. We don’t use subcontractors for solar installations, ensuring a seamless and worry-free experience for our customers. With over 50,000 installations since 2009, you can trust Momentum Solar to help you make the switch to clean, renewable energy.

Going solar with Momentum Solar is an excellent way to gain control over your energy costs and contribute to a cleaner environment. We’re here to guide you through the entire process, from estimates and design consultation to permitting and installation. To learn more about our services or to schedule a free solar consultation, call us today at 1-888-MOMENTUM.




[1] https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/solar-cheat-sheet-your-complete-guide-to-getting-solar-panels-at-home/ 
[2] https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/electricity/prices-and-factors-affecting-prices.php 
[3] https://www.momentumsolar.com/blog/protect-against-power-outages/ 
[4] https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/NY-Sun/Contractors/Dashboards-and-incentives 
[5] https://www.energysage.com/local-data/solar-rebates-incentives/ny/ 
[6] https://www.seia.org/state-solar-policy/new-jersey-solar 
[7] https://www.njcleanenergy.com/srec 
[8] https://www.srectrade.com/markets/rps/srec/new_jersey