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Climate Change Causing Water Shortages, Displacement and Rising Electricity Costs in the United States: What Can You Do?

With weather pattern alterations across the United States occurring due to climate change, there have been a series of horrific news stories about its impact on some of our nation’s most iconic features, our native tribes and homeowners just like you.

Did you know that one of America’s largest reservoirs, Lake Mead, is draining rapidly? Lake Mead is currently 143 feet below “full,” affecting the 25 million people who rely on it for their daily lives. Even our Native American lands are being damaged by climate change, making many communities uninhabitable (or unviable in the years to come). To top it all off, energy prices have increased by 24% since 2021.[1]

One easy way to cut down on the rising cost of electricity is to invest in clean, money-saving solar panels. If you want to see if solar can help you lower your electricity costs, please give us a call at 1-888-MOMENTUM to get started on your solar energy project.

Want to learn more about the effect climate change is having across the country? Continue reading.

What Does the Water Shortage Mean?

In June of last year, Lake Mead recorded lower levels than average, and it only worsens as each day tick by. It’s now the lowest it has ever been since the lake was filled in the 1930s. Lake Mead is roughly 1,070 feet below sea level and, with the effect of climate change, now roughly 145 feet below “full”. This is the equivalent of the height of the Statue of Liberty.[1] As a result of this evaporation, millions of people will be affected in the next decade.

We know this sounds scary, and truthfully, it’s not great news. If you’re not sure how this related to climate change, we’ve got you covered.

The Hoover Dam, which forms the Lake Mead reservoir, produces 2,000 megawatts of hydropower per year. However, with the recent drought and evaporation of the lake, the Hoover Dam’s power generation is down a staggering 25 percent. This decline will affect many states, including California, Arizona and Nevada. All of these states get a portion of their energy from the Hoover Dam. Without that energy supply, they’ll be forced to rely on less “green” methods of generating electricity.[2]

If the lake reaches the “level at 895 feet, water will no longer flow through the dam, and anyone downstream will be cut off from its precious water.

What are the side effects of the Hoover Dam’s energy production being cut? According to, “the US Bureau of Reclamation. Without the dam’s electricity, Southwest energy suppliers will have to look to fossil fuel energy to fill the void.”[3] For homeowners and other residents of the community that rely on this energy supply to power their homes or businesses, this could mean even higher utility prices.[4] 

How Are Our Native Lands Being Impacted?

From Alaska to Florida and every state in between, Native Americans have been facing severe climate challenges. Native tribes are now experiencing an environmental issue that stems from the original European settlers, and later, the United States government, that forced them onto some of our favorable lands.[5]

With the threat of climate change, these lands are now becoming truly uninhabitable. Native Americans are face the threat of losing their homes once again. Severe drought in the Southwest is threatening the drinking water supply of the Navajo Nation. At the edge of the Ozarks, Cherokee crops are becoming harder to grow. These are just a few of the issues that our Native American population is facing from coast to coast. Recently, the Quileute Nation in Washington state has been looking to move to higher ground as the rise in temperature has caused the atmosphere to hold more water, producing more frequent and intense storms. The high winds regularly knock out the tribe’s power, and homes along main streets and roadways are vulnerable to flooding. These severe storms can sometimes render the single road that connects the tribe to the outside world impassable.[3]

In a recent statement from Doug Woodruff, chairmen of the Quileute Tribal Council, “Climate change has forced us to make the heart-wrenching decision to leave the village… Without a cohesive national and international strategy to address climate change, there is little we can do to combat these impacts.”[3]

The impact on our native lands is a clear example that, until we all are willing to make a change to environmentally friendly alternatives, people across the country will continue to lose their land, properties and decades-held homes.

What to Expect with Rising Electricity Costs

According to an August 2022 report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, electricity prices are at their highest since 1981, rising 15.8% from 2021. Natural gas bills also began to rise in July and have now gone up 33% from the same month last year.[6]

Now, in the cooler winter months when people are cranking up their thermostats in order to stay warm, electricity costs are climbing yet again due to a rise in pricing of the two largest powerplant fuels: natural gas and coal.

What financial impacts will Americans face as utility prices begin to rise? Here are just a few to note:

  1. Utilities: Data from the Commerce Department shows that Americans “allocate 2.5% towards the heating and cooling of their homes… Household utilities could cost consumers and added $20 to $30 billion this year, representing an approximate 7% to 12% increase.”[7]
  2. Gasoline: Consumers will likely spend about $50 to $75 billion more for gasoline this year (relative to 2021) as gas prices are about $4 per gallon.[7]
  3. Secondary effects: Consumers will face higher transportation and distribution costs for everything from groceries and apparel to furniture and lawn care.[7]
  4. Economic growth: According to research done by Ameriprise Financial, “higher energy prices could cost the U.S. economy about half a percentage point of potential growth this year.”[7]

Here’s How Momentum Can Help

Climate change is a real problem facing millions of Americans’ daily lives, and it’s only going to get worse as inflation, weather pattern changes and energy crises worsen.

Fortunately, Momentum Solar is here to help you create and customize your home’s perfect solar panel system that will not only help you battle rising electricity costs but reduce your personal carbon emission through the generation of cleaner, greener energy as well. Our team will thoughtfully design a system that perfectly fits the needs of your home, environmental goals and wallet.

Ready to make the switch to clean energy? Call us today at 1-888-MOMENTUM or visit our website schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today.










How Long Can Your Solar Battery Power Your Home During an Outage?

Having a  battery storage system installed with your solar panels is a great way to   achieve true energy independence for your home. Whether you are using stored energy to power your home on a cloudy day, during an outage or to offset peak usage times with your utility, a battery storage system from Enphase + Momentum has your back.

Knowing how long your battery storage system can power your home during  an outage is an essential step for homeowners just like you in being  prepared for a storm. In this blog, our team will give you some tips and tricks to help you calculate your energy needs and how to maximize your battery usage.

For more information on battery storage and Momentum Solar’s offerings, please call 1-888-MOMENTUM to learn batmore.

Power What’s Important

During an outage, you should always be conservative with your electricity usage. Even with a fully charged   battery powering your home, you should maximize its usage by only using essential appliances.

Below is a list of critical items and their electricity needs per day:[1]

  • Refrigerator = 1.5 kWh
  • Kitchen Appliances = 1 kWh (this includes an electric microwave, electric oven, coffee machine, dishwasher and a toaster).
  • Electric Water Heater = 2.5 kWh
  • Lights (LED) = 1 kWh
  • TV and Device Chargers = 2 kWh

Even though heating and air conditioning may not seem like an “extra”, it is one of the last items on the list due to the sheer amount of energy these systems require to stay powered. To be clear, the specific system you use to keep warm or cool will affect how many kilowatts it takes to keep its power on. That being said, here is a quick, rough guide to air conditioning and heating usage!


  • Electric Furnace = 10.5 kWh per hour
  • Portable Heater = 1.5 kWh per hour
  • Baseboard Heater = 1.5 kWh per hour


  • Window / Wall AC (8k to 18k BTU) = 0.73 – 1.8 kWh per hour
  • Standing Fan = 3.0 kWh per hour
  • Ceiling Fan = 0.025 – 0.075 kWh per hour
  • Central AC (3 ton – 12 SEER) = 3.0 kWh per hour

Please keep in mind that knowing when and when not to use heat or cooling is essential to maximizing your battery life.

How Long Will Your Battery Last?

Without using AC or electric heat, homeowners can typically keep their essential systems powered with a 10-kWh battery for at roughly 24 hours. In a recent study done by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “(A) small PVESS with just 10 kWh of storage (at the lower end of sizes currently observed in the market) can fully meet backup needs over a 3-day outage in virtually all U.S. counties and any month of the year.”[2]

This means you can run your refrigerator, lights, TV and device chargers for at least three days before experiencing a true power outage. The more conservative you are with your power usage, the longer your battery will last.

Solar Power and Battery Power at Momentum

The great thing about having solar power and battery storage at home is that you essentially are your own utility provider. You generate the power with your panels, store the excess in your battery and choose to use the extra energy when needed.

Whether you need solar, a battery storage system or both, our team has you covered. Our team offers flexible financing options to fit your needs, and we can provide two different battery modules from Enphase.

Both Enphase Encharge modules are interchangeable and scalable, allowing you to create the perfect battery storage system for your needs. To learn more about our battery storage options, check out our blog, Battery Storage and Your Home!

For more information, please call us at 1-888-MOMENTUM or visit our website at







Perfect closing

Hurricane Season: How to Prepare for a Storm

This week, Hurricane Ian is barreling towards the Gulf Coast of Florida. Airports, schools, stores and businesses are closed as Ian gets closer and closer. There are currently five categories of hurricanes that each represents varying degrees of severity; Category I is the least threatening with sustained winds of 74-95 mph, and Category V being the worst-case scenario for homeowners, with sustained winds of 157 mph or higher.[1]

Hurricane Ian is teetering on the brink of a Category V, and this means that the west coast of Florida will sustain, “Catastrophic damage will occur. Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.”[2]

So, what can you do to prepare for damage to your home and power outages? Here is your Momentum Storm Guide!

Are you already a solar storm pro and want to speak to a Momentum specialist about battery storage? Click here or call 1-888-MOMENTUM today.

How to Prepare

Now, many people have the option to leave the area before the storm, and this is always the best way to prepare. If you can leave, pack up your essentials, snacks, clothes and small valuables and make your way to a hotel, friend or family member’s home. But how do you prepare if you must stay home and weather the storm? Below are a few key steps to follow!

If you have a business, it is also advised to take the same steps. It is better to always be prepared. If you would like to read more about preparing for a storm, click here!

Momentum Keeps the Lights On

Being prepared for extreme weather is one way to keep yourself and family safe. But during smaller (non-hurricane) storms where you can ride out the weather safely from home, battery storage may be a helpful solution.

Momentum Solar is excited to offer battery storage to homeowners with solar, and homeowners looking to go solar and add a battery backup system. We teamed up with an energy powerhouse to bring you the best battery storage solutions. Through our exclusive partnership with Enphase, Momentum provides homeowners just like you with energy management technology to keep your home powered up, even during harsh weather conditions. This includes instances where the rest of your neighborhood is experiencing a blackout due to extreme weather, rolling utility outages or other emergencies.

Having solar panels with storage means you always have energy to use – especially when you need it the most. The best part? When your panels produce more energy than you need, they can store that power for a rainy day in your Enphase battery unit.

Get Powered Up

As one of the fastest-growing solar power companies in the country, our team is here to help you keep the lights on. Whether you are on the East Coast, down South or on the sunny West, Momentum is ready to help you weather the storm.

Click here or call us today at 1-888-MOMENTUM to learn more about our services and how you can get started.



The Investment Tax Credit – Start Saving With Solar

For many reasons, making the shift to solar energy may be beneficial. Homeowners not only get the advantages of lower utility bills, self-generated energy and environmental responsibility but they also have the opportunity to take advantage of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This useful tax incentive can save millions of homeowners throughout the country an enormous amount of money!*

Do you already know about the ITC? Click here to speak with one of our solar experts to see if you qualify for this awesome incentive!

Whether you already have solar, are considering installing it, or are just starting to consider leaving fossil fuels behind, this guide will tell you everything there is to know about the ITC and how it may benefit you.

What is the ITC?

The Investment Tax Credit, or also known as the federal solar tax credit, “allows you to deduct 26 percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.” Another great feature of this tax credit, is that the ITC applies to residential and commercial systems and has no cap on its value.[1]

The History of the ITC

In 2005, the Energy Policy Act had established the ITC, and it was only supposed to last until the end of 2007. Since the ITC was so popular and supported the United States’ transition to renewable energy, it has been extended. In fact, since it was so successful, Congress had extended the deadline multiple times, most recently in 2020. However, the tax credit won’t the same, so now is the best time to act before it goes down in 2023![3]

How Does it Work?

First things first, you need to have solar panels! Next, you need to own your solar panel system. Even if you don’t have enough tax liability to claim the entire credit in one year, you can rollover the reaming credits into future years. Keep in mind that this is only valid if the tax credit is still in effect. However, keep if you lease or have a power purchase agreement (PPA) with your solar installer, you are not the owner of the system you cannot benefit from the tax credit.[1]

Quick Facts: The ITC

  • The residential and commercial solar ITC has helped the U.S. solar industry grow by more than 10,000% percent since it was implemented in 2006, with an average annual growth of 50% over the last decade alone.[2]
  • The 2020 extension of the ITC has provided market certainty for companies to develop long-term investments that drive competition and technological innovation, which in turn lowers energy costs for consumers.[2]
  • In December 2020, Congress passed an extension of the ITC, which provides a 26% tax credit for systems installed in 2020-2022, and 22% for systems installed in 2023. (Systems installed before December 31, 2019, were eligible for a 30% tax credit.) The tax credit expires starting in 2024 unless Congress renews it.[3]

How to Claim the ITC

Now that you’re an expert on the history of the ITC, how can you claim its benefits? When you file your taxes with the IRS, you will want to file a Form 5695.[2] You can fill out this form at the same time you would file your federal tax return. Be sure to mention to your accountant or tax professional that you’ve gone solar in the past year, or if you file your taxes yourself, you will just need to follow three steps.

  • Determine if you are eligible for the ITC
  • Complete IRS Form 5695
  • Add your renewable energy credit information to your typical Form 1040.[2]
  • For more detailed information on the process and how it applies to you, please consult with an accountant or tax professional.

Go Solar with Momentum!

There is no better moment to switch to cleaner, more affordable energy than right now! Even though the ITC is still in force, it may not be for long. Our team has over a decade of expertise in the solar sector and is eager to assist with your project, regardless of the size.

Call us today to learn more at 1-888-MOMENTUM!

*Momentum Solar do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.





Is Climate Change Real? How Can You Help?

Our earth’s rapidly changing climate is one of the most widely discussed issues nowadays, and for good reason. While some claim that the transformation of our planet’s atmosphere is a normal, gradual process, there is overwhelming scientific evidence to suggest that the climate we’re experiencing now is not natural.

Are you already an expert on climate change and more than ready to make the switch to solar, read no further! Call us today at 1-888-MOMENTUM.

Unsure where about what to think? Don’t be! Let’s dive in![1]

What Is Climate Change?

Let’s start from the beginning, what is weather and what is climate? Weather is, “the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.”[19]

These are the changes we encounter and feel on a daily basis. One region of the world may experience snow while another enjoys the sunshine. Climate is different than weather, climate is the weather conditions happening in a general area in the world for a long period of time. [19] Although seasons influence climate, it is still important to understand what makes that location’s typical weather.[2]

Now that we know what climate is, let’s dive into climate change. As NASA defines it, climate change is “a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could change how much rain a place usually gets in a year. Or it could be a change in a place’s usual temperature for a month or season.”[3] While our weather may vary every few days or hours, climate change is a gradual phenomenon.

What Factors Contributed to Climate Change?

Natural and human factors have caused our Earth’s climate to change over time. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has noted that “…it is extremely likely (>95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of the warming.”[4] Below are a few of these activities:

  1. Greenhouse Gasses: The three most impactful greenhouse gases have all increased since the Industrial Revolution, owing to human activities outside of manufacturing and production. These higher emissions have also boosted the greenhouse effect, resulting in a global surface temperature increase. Not to mention that burning fossil fuels has a far bigger impact on the climate than any other human activity.[5]
  2. Carbon Dioxide: To date, human activities release over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. Since pre-industrial times, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have increased by more than 40 percent.[6]
  3. Methane: Due to human activities, methane emissions have increased more than 2.5 times since the pre-industrial level.[7]
  4. Nitrous Oxide: Concentrations of nitrous oxide have increased by 20 percent since the industrial revolution and show a rapid increase towards the end of the 20th century.[8]

Evidence of Climate Change

Let’s look at a few of the significant pieces of evidence scientists have noted for our Earth’s rapid climate change:

  1. Global Temperature Rise: Increased carbon dioxide has contributed to our average surface temperature. The Earth has seen 2 degrees Fahrenheit rise in its temperature since the 19th century. Most of this warming, however, has occurred in the last 40 years, with 2016 and 2020 tying the record for warmest year on record.[9]
  2. Warming Ocean: With Earth storing 90% of its extra energy in the ocean, our oceans have absorbed much of this extra heat coming from the sun. The top 328 feet of the ocean show warming of more than 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969.[10]
  3. Shrinking Ice Sheets: Data from NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment have shown that Greenland lost an average of “279 billion tons of ice between 1993 and 2019, while Antarctica lost about 148 billion tons….”[11]
  4. Decreased Snow Cover: Using satellites, scientists’ observations reveal that the amount of spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased over the past five decades. The snow is beginning to melt earlier.[12]
  5. Sea Level Rise: Our global sea level has risen about eight inches within the last century. In the previous two decades, the number has nearly doubled that… and is accelerating slightly every year.[13]

5 Ways You Can Help

Fortunately, there are things that everyone can do to assist combat global warming. Here are a few simple things we can all accomplish!

  1. Save Energy at Home: Many times, the heat and electricity in our homes is powered by coal, oil or gas. You can use less energy by lowering your heating and cooling, switching to LED lightbulbs and using energy-efficient electric appliances. You can also wash your laundry with cold water and hang them out to dry versus using a dryer. [14] One of the biggest ways you can help save energy is by storing it with a solar + storage battery system. Not only do you get to capitalize on the sun’s rays via money-saving, carbon-reducing solar, but you also get to store excess energy away for things such as grid outages and peak rate periods.
  2. Walk, Bike or Take Public Transportation: Gasoline and diesel are two of the most common fuels used in cars. By walking or cycling instead of driving, you can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also improving your health. Consider public transportation or carpooling if you’ll be traveling greater distances.[15]
  3. Eat More Vegetables: Plant-based diets, on average, create fewer greenhouse gases than conventional meals. Consuming more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and drinking less milk and meat might help you lower your carbon footprint.[16]
  4. Consider Your Travel: Airplanes produce a large number of greenhouse gases while burning a significant amount of fossil fuels. The greatest method to reduce the environmental effect of air travel is to fly less, stay virtually or take the train![17]
  5. Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle: Some goods, such as electronics and clothes, produce carbon emissions during their manufacture. To help preserve the environment, buy less stuff, shop second-hand, fix what you can, and recycle when possible.[18]

Helping Our Planet One Install at a Time

While our team is working hard to design unique solar energy systems for each of our customers’ homes, there’s a larger purpose: helping the environment. Momentum Solar was founded in 2009 with the aim of assisting homeowners save money on their utility bills while also protecting the environment. With thousands of installs completed in our company’s lifetime across 11 states, it is a no-brainer that Momentum continues to grow as a top solar provider. We’re excited to be a part of your journey toward a greener, more environmentally friendly future. Call us today at 1-888-MOMENTUM to learn more!






















7 Tips for How to Explain Solar to Your Loved Ones

Whether you have family or friends looking to go solar, they’re simply interested in learning more or you want to educate them on the benefits out of your own excitement, we can help! The dedicated solar team at Momentum takes the process of going green and simplifies it. In fact, we can help homeowners just like you save on their monthly utility bill and offset their carbon footprint.

Below are 7 helpful tricks you can use to discuss solar with your loved ones!

1. Give Them the Basics

Let’s keep it simple – we don’t want to confuse anyone from the start. Simply tell them that solar energy is the process of converting the light from the sun into to energy to power your electrical needs.

2. All About the Tech

While there is some pretty cool technology involved, below is a simple breakdown you can use to explain how the suns light is converted into usable energy.

  • Solar cells and modules are combined in solar panels to absorb the suns light and produce electricity through the photovoltaic effect.
  • This electricity is sent to an inverter, which transforms the electricity from Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC), this is what powers your home and devices.
  • Your inverter then feeds the AC electricity to your electrical panel and lights up your home.
  • Next, your electrical meter will keep track of the electricity produced, and any excess that is produced is measured by the meter and sent back to your utility company. These are also known as “solar credits”.
  • Lastly, for every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity a solar system sends to the grid, you may be able to get a credit on your electrical bill depending on the area you live in. This is called net metering.[1]

3. Saving Money with Solar is Good for the Family

What would you do with extra cash each month? Would you save it, go out to dinner, visit an amusement park, buy extra school supplies, send the kids to summer camp or tutoring?! Well, by going solar, all these options could be possible. When you go solar you have the opportunity to save monthly* and save for the remainder of time that you have your system!

4. No Better Time to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Once of the biggest issues that comes from burning fossil fuels is the warming effects it has on the planet. So far, the Earth has already warmed 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, and by the year 2030, we are projected to warm the Earth 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. This global warming has effected the following:

  • Worsened extreme weather events
  • Massive pieces of ice are breaking apart in chunks larger than ever seen before
  • Wildfire season is months longer
  • Coral reefs have been bleached of their colors (losing this habitat directly affects the sea creatures that live off them!)
  • Misquotes are covering more area, in turn, spreading more diseases

These are just a few effects from the warming of the planet. According to environmental         scientists, if we don’t start making sweeping lifestyle changes within eight years, the damage is irreversible.[1] Only EIGHT years.

5. Boost Your Home’s Value

It’s a lesser known fact that by adding solar panels to the home, a homeowner can increase the property value. A study done by the Lawrence National Laboratory revealed and increase in value of approximately, “$5,911 for each kilowatt of solar power installed…and another estimated increase of 4.1% of the home’s value.”[1] In another study conducted by Zillow, they found that homes with solar panels sell 20% faster and for 17% more than those without.2

 6. Joining the National Solar Movement

If it feels like almost everyone and their brother is going solar, that’s because they are! In 2021 alone, the U.S. installed enough solar power to electrify 23.3 million American homes.”[2] There’s a reason why so many of your neighbors are going green! They may have been eligible to reap the benefits of a tax credit (ITC), a federal policy, which allows homeowners to deduct some of their solar installation cost from their taxes. To learn if you qualify for the ITC, check out our blog, The ITC Explained. These types of savings are happening in neighborhoods just like your own, and you don’t want to be the last person on the block to go solar.[3]

 7. Momentum is the Best Choice for Home Solar

Momentum Solar is your go-to team for making the switch from outdated dirty energy to clean power! With dedicated, hands-on solar experts in offices across the country, we are ready and excited to take on your project. Founded in 2009, Momentum has quickly become one of the largest solar companies in the industry.

There’s another reason why homeowners across the country are switching to solar with Momentum. When you become a part of the Momentum family, you can earn EXTRA CASH after a referred friend or loved ones completes their installation. To learn more, click the “Free Quote” button above.

*Subject to applicable terms and conditions. Eligibility and savings are determined by municipal utility, roof condition and roof space, azimuth, tree location, shading, weather and other factors.







Coal vs. Clean Energy

The topic of the best way to produce energy to power our world has been debated for many decades upon decades. One of the many comparisons up for discussion is coal vs. clean energy. For a long time, we did not know the effects that coal would have on ourselves and, unfortunately, the rest of the environment.

Luckily, with advances in clean energy like solar power, we can work together to help heal our planet and guide future generations in making better choices.

What is Coal-Generated Energy?

Coal energy is made from combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rocks that contain a very high amount of carbon and hydrocarbons. Because of this, coal is classified as a nonrenewable energy source, as it takes millions of years to form. For example, coal contains the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions of years ago.[1]

How Is it Produced?

It all starts with old plants, millions of years old plants. Once the sedimentary rock or coal is mined, it is sent off to a coal plant to be turned into usable energy. At the plant, the coal is placed into a boiler to produce steam. The steam that is produced flows into a turbine that spins a generator to create electricity. The steam is then cooled and condensed into water, then returned to the boiler to start the process all over again.[2]

What Does it Do?

Although energy is produced to help power our homes, there can be harmful side effects of mining and producing coal. For example, miners exposed directly to toxic fumes, coal dust and toxic metals while mining, increased their risk of fatal lung diseases. In fact, the mining process of coal alone “has been responsible for over 100,000 deaths.”[3] So not only does coal energy cause harm to the human race, it is equally, if not worse, for our environment.

Coal can contain toxic elements and metals such as sulfur, mercury, lead and arsenic. When coal is burned to produce energy, all of these toxins are released into the air we breathe. These particles can increase pollution and are an danger to our health. Another environmental impact of coal is the large amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from its burning. These emissions are linked to an increase in greenhouse gasses that can contribute to global warming.[4]

Solar vs. Coal: Carbon Footprint

If all of the harmful effects of coal mining on humans and the environment weren’t scary enough, things really come into focus when you look at the carbon footprint it leaves behind.

Here’s what we mean, “coal with a carbon content of 78 percent and a heating value of 14,000 Btu per pound emits about 204.3 pounds of carbon dioxide per million Btu when completely burned. Complete combustion of 1 short ton (2,000 pounds) of this coal will generate about 2.86 short tons of carbon dioxide.”[5]

Now, to the average person who does not know much about carbon footprints, this may not seem like an alarming number. But, compared to the carbon footprint of solar panels, it is alarming. The carbon dioxide (CO2) produced during solar panel manufacturing is about 50g of CO2 per kilowatt hour during the first few years of operation. This is about 20 times LESS than the carbon footprint of coal. A bonus to solar panels is that after about three years of operation, they become carbon neutral.[6]

Why Go Solar?

While it may seem like a no-brainer to switch to clean energy, you may still have some questions about its benefits. Fortunately, we have the answers. Having a solar panel system helps reduce your carbon footprint and helps save money in the long run. With solar, you can drastically reduce your utility bills, avoid rising energy costs, receive tax benefits, and increase your property value.

Going Solar with Momentum

Transitioning to cleaner, price-protected energy with Momentum is easy. From drafting your design blueprint to filing government paperwork and securing permits, to flipping the final switch to power up your panels – our team of experts is with you every step of the way.

We are ready to take on your project, no matter the budget, size or aesthetic preference. Call us at 1-888-MOMENTUM to learn more about making the switch today!










What’s the Best Place to Put a Solar Panel?

With warmer weather approaching, you may be considering the benefits of going solar, but have you ever stopped to think if your home is suitable for solar panels? Believe it or not, a few factors come into play when placing solar panels on your home.

Let’s jump in!

Shade on Your Roof

Let’s start with shade being cast on your roof. This can happen for several reasons, but the outcome is always the same, reduced production. When looking to go solar, look at your roof and see how different factors may affect how much sun it gets[1]. Things to look out for are:

  1. Trees – Perhaps the most common issue! Trees can cause a great deal of shade on your home daily. This can stop your panels from performing optimally. We (and other solar providers) may suggest removing trees if they will affect your energy production.[2]
  2. Your Roof – The sun’s angle during a particular time of day can cast a shadow on different parts of a roof, like a chimney or a dormer.[3] It’s also important to determine which direction your roof faces, as some are more favorable than others.
  3. Clouds – We can’t talk about shade without mentioning clouds, but there’s good news on this front! Clouds still allow some sunlight to go through but note your panel production will be lower than a sunny day. At the same time, you don’t need to worry about clouds affecting your everyday production.[4]

The Slope of Your Roof

Believe it or not, there is a bit of math involved when you are looking to get solar panels on your home. The best position for your solar panels is a roof facing “true south” with a tilt of between 30 and 45 degrees. This will give you the best results for production. Solar panels produce the most electricity when placed perpendicular to the sun. In many cases, this angle is the latitude of where you live.[5]

Age of Your Roof

Lastly, how old is your roof? What does the wear and tear look like? Are there holes or lifted shingles? These are just a few questions any homeowner should be asking when considering adding solar panels to their roof. Solar panel systems are built to last anywhere between 25-40 years, so you will want to make sure your roof is in good shape and will not need to be replaced or repaired.[6]

Alternative Options Provided by Momentum

While many homeowners choose to install panels onto their homes, there may be some who either do not have the option to put panels on their roof or simply don’t want to. The best part of working with our team of solar specialists is that we can custom-design the perfect solar panel array for your home and provide alternative options.

Work with Our Dream Team

Building a greener future is easy when you work with Momentum. Our team puts in the work, time and effort needed to make your transition to clean energy seamless.

For more information, please call our dedicated team today at 1-888-MOMENTUM.







Solar Technological Advancements

While solar may seem like a revolutionary technology, its humble beginnings are more than 100 years old. Solar technology has been around since the late 1800s and has made significant advancements since then. There is so much more to solar than meets the eye. Aside from the typical uses like adding panels to a home, in a field or business, 2021 was a fantastic year for newly invented solar technology.

Let’s take a look!

Floating Photovoltaic Solar Panels

An emerging technology in the solar industry is floating solar photovoltaic systems (FPV). These are placed directly on top of bodies of water rather than a rooftop or land. The idea was first introduced in 2017, and a recent report from Technavio shows that “the FPV market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of over 31% from 2018-2022. 52% of the growth will come from the Americas.”[1] The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that 24,419 human-made bodies of water across the country have the potential for FPV systems.[2]

Why are floating solar panels so popular? Here are a few key reasons:

  1. No Loss of Valuable Land and Space– The biggest advantage to floating solar panels is they do not require land or valuable space. These panels can be placed on bodies of water such as resiviors, hydroelectric dams, wastewater treatment ponds and drinking water resivioirs.[3]
  2. High Panel Performance– Solar panels are extremely durable and can perform in high temperature areas. However, with some electronics, the higher the heat the lower the power output. With solar panels placed on bodies of water, this can help keep them cool and help the panels consistently perform well, even in warmer weather.[3]
  3. Environmental Benefits– Floating solar panels are not only kept cool by the water underneath, but they also provide shade which helps reduce evaporation from the pond or resi Shade also helos reduce the presence of algae in these bodies of water.[3]

Solar Lighting

Local governments nationwide are beginning to use solar-powered LED lighting to brighten their streets and walkways. By switching streetlamps to solar-powered lighting, neighborhoods can cut down their cost of electricity, benefit from being off the grid, enjoy low maintenance (aka, never having to change a light bulb) and reduce their carbon footprint

All of these factors benefit the environment and humanity, leaving behind sustainable solutions and a greener future for generations to come.[4]

Photovoltaic Noise Barriers

While this term may sound a little intense, PV noise barriers are truly an ellegantly simple solution for one of the most pressing environment issues: noise pollution. If you are unfamiliar with noise barriers, they are “an exterior structure designed to protect inhabitants of sensitive land use areas from noise pollution. Noise barriers are the most effective method of mitigating roadway, railway, and industrial noise sources.”[5]

In laymen’s terms, noise pollution is any unwanted, manmade noise in the environment that can cause harm to humans, animals or the environment itself. For example, trucks and cars flying by on a highway are an example of noise pollution. Locals who live near a highway or busy street can be subject to loud and unwanted sounds that can cause hearing damage overtime or cause distractions.

The approximately 3,000 noise barriers lining U.S. highways provide amble space that can be used for solar energy production. It is even estimated that these barriers can be used to produce 400 GW of power each year. With new innovative developments, double-sided solar cells can be used to increase the performance level of the panels in any position.[6]

So, with all this extra real estate available on America’s highways, it is kind of a no-brainer to put it to good use! Adding solar panels to the noise barrier or dividers is a great way to generate clean energy without taking up useful space!

Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) serve a dual purpose. BIPV act as both the exterior of a structure and generate electricity at the same time for either on-site power or power sent to the grid off-site. According to SEIA, “BIPV systems can provide savings in materials and electricity costs, reduce pollution, and add to the architectural appeal of a building.”[7]

Not sure what building integrated photovoltaics are supposed to look like? Take a look at the image below!

As you can see, solar power has come so far since its discovery by Edmund Becquerel in 1839. We now have the ability to harness the power of the sun practically anytime, anywhere.

Momentum Knows Solar

As one of the top solar providers in the country, we can utilize our more than 10 years in the business and team of dedicated experts, to help make you transition to solar energy seamless. We handle the entire process from the moment the contract is signed so all you have to do  is sit back and relax.

For more information about how to get your solar project started, please call 1-888- MOMENTUM today!









Tips for Spring Cleaning + Saving

It is hard not to think about the upcoming spring season as we burn through the last days of winter! When you think of spring, what do you think of? Many homeowners will say, “ugh, cleaning!”.

What if we told you there was more to spring than just cleaning out your garage? Here are a few tips and tricks that will have you springing into action when you learn about the potential savings!

Go LED with Lights

Picture it. Soft, bright and natural lighting options that last for years and helps you save on your utilities. This fantasy isn’t a dream, but it’s a reality when you switch the bulbs in your house to LED bulbs.

Did you know that “LEDs use up to 90% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.”[1] This means that you’ll spend far less over time when you switch to LED lighting. These futuristic lights are available for indoor and outdoor use, and the good news? The cost of LED lighting has also decreased dramatically since they have entered the market, and are expected to continue declining. While incandescent bulbs are cheaper on a short-term basis, LED bulbs will help save you more money in the long run because they last longer and require a very low amount of energy for use.[2]

Garage Sale

One of the most popular activities when it comes to springtime is an old-fashioned garage sale. Having a garage sale is a great way to make a little extra money, free up some space and, believe it or not, help the environment. Garage sales are the homeowner embodiment of the classic green motto “reduce, reuse, recycle”.

According to the New York Times, a well-thought-out garage sale can generate about $500 to $1,000 in profit.[3] If you don’t care as much about making a quick buck, you could always donate old clothes or toys to a local shelter, organization or church. Once this step is all said and done, you have potentially profited from the garage sale, freed up space or repurposed old items for further use. What could be better?

Recycling Old Materials

Let’s turn some of your old trash into cash! Look around your home, garage, basement or shed and start collecting items that you no longer use but could still be of some value. Below is a list of items you may have at home collecting dust that could put some extra cash in your wallet.

  1. Aluminum Cans
  2. Glass and Plastic Bottles
  3. Ink Cartridges
  4. Electronics/ Electronic Waste (batteries)
  5. Scrap Metal
  6. Cardboard

While they may not make you a ton of money, the items listed will still help you add a little extra padding in your wallet. For example, depending on where you live, you can get up to $45 per ton of cardboard, up to $10 for used car batteries and $2 back at Staples for old ink cartridges.[4]

However, it is important to remember that even if you aren’t recycling these items for cash, it is essential to make sure the electronic waste does not end up in your local landfill.

Soak Up the Sun

Last but not least, one of the best ways to save money this spring (and every other season, for that matter) is to make the switch to solar energy!

Every day, more homeowners across the country install solar panels on their homes and enjoy a lifetime of savings and incentives. Depending on where you live, “the average home can save between $10,000 and $30,000 over the lifetime of your solar panel system.”[5] For example, in the state of New Jersey, the annual cost of electricity is about $1, 512. Multiply this by 30 years which equals about $45,360. Switching to solar would help you save $15,000 in your lifetime.[6]

Momentum Solar is Here to Help!

This is your sign to make the switch to clean, price-protected energy! Momentum Solar has been a trusted solar provider for over a decade, and our team is ready to help you get your project started today. We seamlessly handle your contract, custom design, installation, permitting, and activation of your system – this means there’s one helpful point of contact from the moment you decide to make the switch.

Capturing the power of the sun has never been easier. Call us today at 1-888-MOMENTUM, or visit our website to learn more.






